End User License Agreement (EULA)

CODEPLAYERS Business System Private Limited (LICENSOR) operates

  • https://codeplayers.in website
  • https://api.codeplayers.in website
  • Infinity ERP
  • Infinity X
  • At Your Service

here in after referred to as SOFTWARE - is offered to the purchaser/user here in after referred to as CUSTOMER on the following terms and conditions, which the Customer will be deemed to have accepted in full upon opening/using and installing the SOFTWARE.

By downloading and using the CODEPLAYERS application as mentioned above you expressly give us consent in accordance with this EULA.

Note: Our End User License Agreement may change at any time without prior notification. To make sure that you are aware of any changes, kindly review the EULA periodically. This EULA shall apply uniformly to CODEPLAYERS applications as mentioned above.


  • The LICENSOR is the owner of copyright and all other intellectual property rights in the SOFTWARE.
  • The LICENSOR grants to the CUSTOMER, a non-exclusive license to use the SOFTWARE, upon the terms and conditions contained hereinafter.
  • The CUSTOMER, by opening and installing this SOFTWARE, is deemed to have read, understood and agreed to be bound by the terms of this agreement. It is also agreed that this agreement is the complete and exclusive statement of agreement between the CUSTOMER and the LICENSOR.
  • The license to use the SOFTWARE becomes valid only after full payment towards the same has been realised by the supplier of the SOFTWARE.
  • The CUSTOMER will not decompile, disassemble or otherwise modify the SOFTWARE, except as provided for by this license.
  • The CUSTOMER is solely responsible for determining the suitability of the SOFTWARE for the purpose it is intended to be used, before the purchase of the SOFTWARE. Once the CUSTOMER purchases the SOFTWARE, the LICENSOR will not accept return of SOFTWARE under any circumstances, whatsoever, and the payment once made will be non-refundable.
  • The LICENSOR does not extend and expressly disclaims any warranty, whatsoever, as to the suitability, applicability, fitness, merchantability or otherwise of the SOFTWARE and related Items.
  • The SOFTWARE is offered in various secondary editions based on features. Each edition is available in one or more different variants – e.g. Single-user, Multi-user. In case of Single-user, the CUSTOMER can install the SOFTWARE on a single Computer/Device only. In case of Multi-user, the CUSTOMER can install the SOFTWARE on a single Local Area Network (LAN).
  • The INFINITY ERP comes with a Software Security Lock, which needs to be installed on the Server/Standalone Computer over LAN, where the SOFTWARE is to be used. The SOFTWARE will work only when a valid Software Security Lock is found installed at the Server/Standalone Computer.
  • The CUSTOMER will take all reasonable precautions and measures to protect the SOFTWARE and related Items from unauthorized use, access, copying, modifications, reproduction, distribution or publication.
  • Under no circumstances, the LICENSOR will replenish the License Information if the same is lost / misplaced / destroyed, either intentionally or accidentally, by the CUSTOMER. In such a case, a new copy of the SOFTWARE needs to be purchased by the CUSTOMER at full price, as prevailing in the market at that time.
  • The price of the SOFTWARE is the license fee for use of the SOFTWARE only. All services like Installation, Training, Support, Document Designing etc. are chargeable extra.
  • Updates, enhancements, bug-fixing, additions and improved versions of the SOFTWARE, along with a host of Value-Added Services (VAS), will be available to the CUSTOMER only if INFINITY ERP License Subscription (AMC) is active. One-Year AMC will be provided to the CUSTOMER on purchase of New License. The same can be renewed / extended for one more year upon payment of additional fee / price, as per the policy of the LICENSOR, as may be prevalent from time to time.
  • The LICENSOR does not guarantee the compatibility of the SOFTWARE and / or Software License Service with future Operating Systems / Technologies.
  • The LICENSOR will not take any responsibility for any kind of corruption of data at the CUSTOMER site due to media failure / power failure / hardware problem / virus infection or any other reason. At most, the LICENSOR can try to recover the data either fully or partially and the same will be chargeable.
  • It is expressly agreed by the CUSTOMER that neither the manufacturer nor the supplier of the SOFTWARE will be liable for any loss or damage, whether direct, indirect, special, consequential and / or incidental, arising from the use or application of the SOFTWARE and related items.
  • The Statutory Reports provided in the SOFTWARE are intended to provide the information / data to the CUSTOMER, which is required for fulfilling of various statutory obligations like depositing of tax, filing of tax returns etc. The LICENSOR does not guarantee, promise or claim accuracy, completeness or adequacy of the information provided and makes no claim that the Statutory Reports provided in the SOFTWARE will be accepted by the tax authorities as it is. The Licensor will not be responsible for any error / omission or delay in fulfilling of statutory obligations by the CUSTOMER. In case there is any change in statutory requirement, the LICENSOR will try to incorporate the same in the forthcoming releases of the SOFTWARE, but will be under no obligation to do so.
  • The parties hereby agree that the courts at Raigarh (Chhattisgarh) alone will have the jurisdiction to entertain any proceedings in respect of anything arising under this agreement.

# Limitations

Except as otherwise expressly provided under this License Agreement, CUSTOMER shall have no right, and CUSTOMER specifically agree not to:
  • Utilize the SOFTWARE beyond the applicable Term;
  • Transfer, assign or sublicense CUSTOMER’s license rights to any other person, and any such attempted transfer, assignment or sublicense shall be void;
  • Provide, divulge, disclose, or make available to, or permit the use of the SOFTWARE by any third party;
  • Sell, resell, license, sublicense, distribute, rent or lease the SOFTWARE or include the Software in a service bureau or outsourcing offering;
  • Make error corrections to or otherwise modify or adapt the SOFTWARE or create derivative works based upon the SOFTWARE, or to permit third parties to do the same;
  • Decompile, decrypt, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise reduce the SOFTWARE to human-readable form, or to permit third parties to do the same;
  • Circumvent or disable any features or technological protection measures in the SOFTWARE;

#Limited Warranty & Limitation of Liability

The SOFTWARE is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. All express, implied or statutory conditions, representations, and warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranty or condition of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, satisfactory quality or arising from a course of dealing, law, usage, or trade practice, are hereby excluded to the maximum extent allowed by applicable law. Neither SOFTWARE nor its LICENSOR shall be liable for CUSTOMER’s action, or failure to act, in reliance on any information furnished as part of the software. CUSTOMER is solely responsible for maintaining the security of CUSTOMER’s network and computer systems. Neither SOFTWARE nor its LICENSOR represent, warrant, or guarantee that (a) security threats, malicious code and/or vulnerabilities will be identified, or (b) the content will render CUSTOMER’s network and systems safe from malicious code, vulnerabilities, intrusions, or other security breaches, (c) every vulnerability on every tested system or application will be discovered, or (d) there will be no false positives.In no event will SOFTWARE or its LICENSOR be liable to CUSTOMER or CUSTOMER’s employees, or any third party, for any lost revenue, profit, or data, business interruption, or for special, indirect, consequential, incidental, or punitive damages, however caused and regardless of the theory of liability arising out of the use of or inability to use the SOFTWARE even if SOFTWARE have been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event will SOFTWARE or its LICENSOR be liable to CUSTOMER, whether in contract, warranty or tort (including negligence or strict liability), or otherwise, exceed the fee paid by CUSTOMER.

# Software Support Lifecycle Term

  • The support lifecycle Term for SOFTWARE states the length of time support will be available. This technical support period begins when the product is available for purchase, and ends when the product is no longer supported (End of Service). Each product, at the version/release level, has an established support period. Without adequate support, software potentially becomes less usable over time. Buyers typically are instructed not to use software versions without support, likely because a company does not intend to offer bug fixes or upgrades, to make the product more usable in aspect of statutory compliance or OS Environmental Upgrade. Based on market needs and client deployment patterns CODEPLAYERS is introducing the Continuous Delivery support system to enable clients to receive and install new functions much more rapidly than they have in the past. This system enables CODEPLAYERS to continually add/improve product functions and enables clients to accept and implement these updates faster. As it unveils new versions, CODEPLAYERS periodically announces the end of support for obsolete versions. An end-of-life policy or end-of-support policy helps facilitate the migration of services and platforms so that businesses and individual users are not caught in the middle.
  • The support lifecycle Term for SOFTWARE also states any unique terms for product defect fixes and update patches or setup files availability.
  • The support lifecycle Term for SOFTWARE will be maximum period of 5 Years. It may vary upon future Operating System / Technology upgrade and Company Policy.
  • CUSTOMER has to upgrade their IT Environment according to the available SOFTWARE version requirements time to time.

# Term and Termination

This License Agreement is effective until terminated or the end of the Term. CUSTOMER may terminate this License Agreement at any time by destroying all copies of SOFTWARE, related documentation, analysis data and report and purging same from memory devices (required at the end of a Term). CUSTOMER’s rights under this License Agreement will terminate immediately without notice from LICENSOR, if CUSTOMER fail to comply with any provision of this Agreement. Upon any termination, CUSTOMER must destroy all copies of Software and related documentation and purge same from memory devices. All provisions of this License Agreement relating to disclaimers of warranties, limitation of liabilities, remedies, damages protection of information and shall survive termination.

This License Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the INDIA.